I know that most of you are well aware about the IP address.. but to be a complete blog on the subject I guess I need to mention this also...
IP address in the digital world is similar to our mobile number in the real world. So being a hacker, knowing the IP address is an important thing.Every computer connected to a network is assigned an IP address.
Now, what is expansion of IP..?
IP means Internet Protocol.
If you want to create any connection to the target computer knowledge of his IP is necessary.Even if you are in a local network your computer is assigned an IP.If you are connected to internet ,your ISP is responsible for assigning you the IP.
The IP address is mainly classified in to 2 :
External IP
Internal IP
Extrenal IP: This is the IP address assigned to your computer by the ISP.To find the IP address you can visit www.whatismyipaddress.com. This site also allow us to do certain things like IP lookup ,Email Tracing and many other things. You can also look in www.whatismyip.com .
Internal IP : This is the IP assigned to host by the internal network.To find your internal IP
Go to start > Run > cmd > Type ipconfig > press enter
For a DSL modem we usually use at home the computer will have an internal IP address.
The IP is divided in to mainly 5 classes A,B,C,D and E
so what are these classes...? How is the classification done...? ok... lets see..
These classification is done on the basis of the ranges of IP
Class name Range
A to ( first 8 bits is network ID rest is the Host ID)
B to ( first 16 bits is network ID rest is the Host ID)
C to ( first 24bits is network ID rest is the Host ID)
D to ( Represents a 32 bit multicast group ID)
E to ( Not in use)
Using the class we can find out about the network.We can also study the structure of the network.Guessing the Maximum number of systems a network may contain can be found out analyzing the class of the IP of a computer in that network.Knowledge about the IP range is really helpful in attacking a network.
Can IP addresses be represented in different formats...?
The answer is yes...
So what are the different formats and how the conversion takesplace...?
The different formats are:
Dec to Hex
Convert the decimal parts to corresponding hexadecimal equivalents and write them jointly
65 =>41
55 =>37
78 =>4E
22 =>DD
After conversion : => 41374EDD
for Dec to Dword:
Step1 :Do Dec to Hex conversion
Step2 : Find the decimal equivalent of the hex value
for Dec to Bin :
Find the Dword as mentioned in the above steps and find the binary equivalent.
for Dec to Octal :
Take the IP address parts one by one and find their corresponding octal equivalents.Express each number in 4 digit per number format ( you can append zeroes to the left of the number to get 4 digit format)
In many networks like what you use in your office, school or college the firewall may block the IP inorder to prevent you from entering certain sites, say orkut or Myspace.But you can enter the hexadecimal format,Dword value,Binary format or the Octal format of the same IP to access the blocked sites.Most of the popular browsers support these formats but some may not identify your request.
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